Wild Alaskan Coho Salmon - Portions

Wild Alaskan Coho Salmon - Portions

from $8.00

Product description: Coho salmon portions are cut to weigh between 6-8 ounces. Each portion is individually vacuum-packed and frozen. A single serving of salmon is considered 3.5 oz. Each portion provides approximately 2 servings.

Catch year: 2023

Flavor profile: Mild and delicate.

Texture profile: Flakey and firm.

Bone notes: All portions may contain bones. These bones are easy to remove, especially after cooking, if desired.

Skin notes: We elect to keep the skin on our salmon products. Keeping the skin on adds flavor when cooking, helps protect the fish from overcooking, and ensures that the delicate flesh remains intact.

Preparation tips: Great for just about any style of cooking. Coho’s milder flavor and firm texture lends itself to being a great choice for grilling, sauteeing, baking, smoking, steaming, roasting, or broiling.

Fish Box Amount: The single portion consists of one 6-8 oz individually wrapped portion. The small box contains 8 individually wrapped portions. The medium box contains 16 individually wrapped portions. The large box contains 32 individually wrapped portions.

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