Wild Alaskan King Salmon - Portions

Wild Alaskan King Salmon - Portions


** Please contact us directly if you are interested in purchasing king salmon **


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Product description: King salmon portions are cut to various sizes ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 lbs. Portions are sold by weight at $38 per pound. Each portion is individually vacuum-packed and frozen. A single serving of salmon is considered 3.5 oz. Please contact us with the desired amount.

Catch year: 2024

Flavor profile: Rich, succulent flavor due to higher fat content.

Texture profile: Flakey, firm, and a bit oily.

Bone notes: Our king salmon portions contain pin bones. These bones are easy to remove, especially after cooking, if desired.

Skin notes: We elect to keep the skin on our salmon products. Keeping the skin on adds flavor when cooking, helps protect the fish from overcooking, and ensures that the delicate flesh remains intact.

Preparation tips: Great for grilling or sauteeing. King salmon tends to melt in your mouth and is excellent without any added spices or flavors.

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